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Saudi Arabia : once again at the forefront of medical technology

The Saudi King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center successfully performed its 50th operation on conjoined twins.

A young baby, Aisha, was born with two pairs of legs. This is a case of a parasitic twin, also known as a ” foetus in foetu “, which occurs in twin pregnancies and is not always spotted during ultrasounds. To achieve this operation, it took the medical team no less than 7 hours and 45 minutes! The head of the medical team, Dr. Abdallah al-Rabeeah, told the Arab News: “The operation went very well […]. The coordination within the team was excellent”.

It is obviously a medical success for Saudi Arabia but also a humanitarian gesture as the little girl comes from Yemen, a country at war where a Saudi coalition supports the government in place. 

See also

“Drive-through” hospitals flourish in Saudi Arabia

Published on 3 August 2021

#Saudi Arabia