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History & Heritage


3 unmissable Arab-American artists

Le 1er avril, le président américain Joe Biden a inauguré le mois du patrimoine arabo-américain, en l’honneur de la contribution communautaire des arabo-américains “au tissu de la nation”. Ce geste du président a été salué par de nombreux artistes originaires du monde arabe. Découvrez trois de ces artistes engagés !

1. Helen Zughaib

The Lebanese-American artist immigrated to the United States during the civil war. Today, her works illustrate the brand of a famous cosmetics chain. Her joyful and colorful art seeks to portray beauty and hope amidst the personal and collective traumas of history.

2. Sherin Guirguis

This Egyptian-American sculptor draws her inspiration from forgotten histories and engages
and engages her art in the representation of marginalized communities, particularly women. Sherin Guirguis embellishes these sculptures with strong historical symbols. Her latest work “Here Have I Returned,” exhibited on the plateau of the Pyramids of Giza, takes the form of a sacred musical instrument of an ancient dance goddess. “The work aims to make visible once again the invisible work of generations of under-recognized women,” S. Guirguis

3. John Halaka

J. Halaka was born the son of Palestinian and Lebanese immigrants who came to America in 1970. In his series “Ghost of Presence/Bodies of Absence”, Halaka addresses the theme of Palestinian exile. He conjures up faces and photographs of destroyed villages through ink marks and stamped text. According to the artist, this ghostly effect reflects the psychological presence of millions of refugees, struggling to return to their lands.

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Arab American National Museum Reopens

Publié le 21 April 2022

#Arab world



