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Dolores Al Shelleh, the first Jordanian woman to climb Everest 

Dolores Al Shelleh is half Jordanian, half Serbian, and resident in Dubai. Recently, she became the first woman in Jordan to climb Everest, and the first Arab woman to attempt it from the north col, which is considered the most difficult. 

Dolores Al Shelleh, an experienced mountaineer – she had already completed various climbs, including Kilimanjaro and Elbrus – has just made history in her discipline by becoming the first Jordanian to climb the highest peak in the world, the first Arab from the northern col, more difficult, and which requires a more advanced climbing technique in adverse weather and climate conditions. 

Values to be upheld


Her ascent, she associates it with strong messages. First, the one of ecology. Sponsored by The Sustainable City, the first net-zero energy community in the Middle East, located in Dubai, it promotes more responsible practices and the use of renewable energy, as well as healthy lifestyles in harmony with nature.



Source of inspiration


Then, the Jordanian hopes to “become an inspiration for other Arabs, women especially, to try the adventure, surpass themselves, and rally to these noble causes that are dear to our communities”.


It should be remembered that the approach is accompanied by a real range of risks of all kinds. This year alone, no less than 10 climbers are reported to have lost their lives trying to climb the highest peak in the world. All the more reason to send our congratulations to Dolores al Shelleh.  


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