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Saudi Arabia: Harrat Uwayrid Reserve joins Unesco’s Man and Biosphere Programme

In just a few months, Saudi Arabia has registered a second reserve in the Unesco Man and Biosphere Programme, symbolizing its commitment to nature. The Harrat Uwayrid Volcanic Reserve, located in the northwest of the Kingdom on the site of AlUla, is thus part of a project to contribute to the good cohabitation between man and the environment.

A unique volcanic site

Harrat Uwayrid, with an impressive length of 180 kilometers and a width of about 90 kilometers, is none other than the largest of the five nature reserves of AlUla. This volcanic field is home not only to extraordinary landscapes, slag cones, vast lava flows and tuff cones, but also to spectacular biodiversity. The official UNESCO report lists 19 species of animals in danger of extinction and 43 types of birds, including 8 varieties of birds of prey. The reserve also has 55 kinds of rare plants.

In fact, the tourist site highlights its natural assets but also historical. Indeed, Harrat Uwayrid hosts the oldest traces of human activities in the region. Visitors can enjoy a vast area of culture.



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Saudi Arabia: The Farasan Islands join UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme

Fostering the relationship between man and nature

According to UNESCO, the Man and the Biosphere program works to establish a scientific basis for improving the relationship between people and their environment. The project includes promoting innovative approaches to economic development that are socially and culturally appropriate and environmentally sustainable.

Harrat Uwayrid’s membership in the program represents the Saudi Kingdom’s growing commitment to protecting its ecosystems. Last March, the Farasan Islands inaugurated the country’s entry into the list of countries with a biosphere reserve in its natural heritage. Located in the Red Sea, the archipelago includes 90 of the 200 islands and islets in the Jazan region, with a total area of more than 600 square kilometers. Saudi Arabia is thus progressively affirming its efforts for a sustainable development and a prosperous nature.

Publié le 16 June 2022

#Saudi Arabia