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New visa-free destinations are possible for Emiratis

With the most powerful passport in the world according to the Arton Capital Passport Index, Emiratis can now travel to 117 countries without visas, thanks to the recent additions of eight new countries, adding to the initial list.

Last January, Arton Capital’s Passport Index ranked the United Arab Emirates passport as the most powerful in the world due to the number of possible entries without visas in different countries, 113 in total. Since then, the Emirates passport has consistently confirmed its primacy by allowing its nationals to travel without visas to eight additional countries during the year

Today, the United Arab Emirates passport allows visa-free entry and visas on arrival in 117 and 59 countries respectively. With Russia, Colombia, Uzbekistan, Peru and Mongolia requiring no visas and Pakistan, Equatorial Guinea and South Africa requiring specific passports to be visa-free, only 22 countries in the world still require visa approval for an Emirate wishing to travel.


Target achieved for the United Arab Emirates

Since 2016, the United Arab Emirates has stepped up its efforts to make its passport the most powerful identity document in the world. Stabilizing their growth, taking part in technological advances or forging links with most regions of the world have all been strategies put in place to be included in the list of the “top five passports” by 2021. By moving up 26 places between 2016 and 2019, the target was finally achieved earlier than expected for the Emirates. 

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And the World’s Most Powerful Passport in 2019 is…

Publié le 9 September 2019

#United Arab Emirates